University of California San Francisco

UCSF Department of Surgery at Zuckerberg San Francisco General
May 24, 2022

2022 Inquiry Curriculum Long-Term Mentor Awards

The Inquiry Curriculum recently announced the 2022 Long-Term Mentor Award winners at the Inquiry Symposium for Class of 2022. This award honors faculty mentors who have shown dedication to nurturing leaders, innovators, advocates, and researchers and have partnered with students to complete long-term research projects, between 12 weeks to 12 months or longer. Nominated by students, this year’s five faculty awardees represent the diversity of scientific inquiry and exemplify a commitment to student scholarship, advocacy, and scientific rigor.

The UCSF School of Medicine and Inquiry Curriculum leadership gratefully acknowledge the contributions each of this year’s Inquiry Curriculum mentors made to training our students to generate new knowledge as 21st Century Physicians. Learn more about Inquiry Awards for UCSF Faculty and Students.