University of California San Francisco

UCSF Department of Surgery at Zuckerberg San Francisco General
May 23, 2011

KALW LogoKALW, a local public radio program, hosted a program discussing the danger to pedestirians walking the streets of  in San Francisco:

At some point in our day, most of us are pedestrians walking the 7x7 swatch of land we know as San Francisco. The city's relatively small size, temperate weather, and inviting neighborhoods make San Francisco inherently walkable.

Yet statistics tell a very different story. San Francisco is one of the most dangerous cities for pedestrians nationwide with over 800 people hit by cars here each year--that's between 2 and 3 pedestrians a day........

We’ve gathered several of those individuals whose jobs it is to make San Francisco safer for pedestrians as we ask:

  • What makes a city that appears so walkable so unsafe?
  • Are some neighborhoods more dangerous for pedestrians than others?
  • What measures can be put into place to improve safety and encourage walking?
  • How are local agencies responding to this issue?
Pedestrian Safety